Meeting at the end of the year summarizing 2022 at Cereal Partners Poland Toruń-Pacific, December 2022
With D. Clark (CPW CEO) and L. Imbert (VP) during CPW Senior Leadership Team Meeting in Torun, Sept. 2022
CPW Senior Leadership Team Meeting in Torun (with CPP Team), Sept. 2022
Gingerbread Avenue of Stars, Torun, June 2020
Gingerbread Avenue of Stars, Torun, June 2020
Gingerbread Avenue of Stars, Torun, June 2020
Gingerbread Avenue of Stars, Torun, June 2020
Ball to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Toruń's return to free Poland. Giving an event medal. Torun, Jan. 2020
Ball to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Toruń's return to free Poland. Giving an event medal. Torun, Jan. 2020
25th Anniversary of Cereal Partners Worldwide in Poland, Toruń, Nov. 2019
25th Anniversary of Cereal Partners Worldwide in Poland, Toruń, Nov. 2019
25th Anniversary of Cereal Partners Worldwide in Poland, Toruń, Nov. 2019
25th Anniversary of Cereal Partners Worldwide in Poland, Toruń, Nov. 2019
25th Anniversary of Cereal Partners Worldwide in Poland, Toruń, Nov. 2019
25th Anniversary of Cereal Partners Worldwide in Poland, Toruń, Nov. 2019
25th Anniversary of Cereal Partners Worldwide in Poland, Toruń, Nov. 2019
25th Anniversary of Cereal Partners Worldwide in Poland, Toruń, Nov. 2019
25th Anniversary of Cereal Partners Worldwide in Poland, Toruń, Nov. 2019
25th Anniversary of Cereal Partners Worldwide in Poland, Toruń, Nov. 2019
25th Anniversary of Cereal Partners Worldwide in Poland, Toruń, Nov. 2019
25th Anniversary of Cereal Partners Worldwide in Poland, Toruń, Nov. 2019
25th Anniversary of Cereal Partners Worldwide in Poland, Toruń, Nov. 2019
25th Anniversary of Cereal Partners Worldwide in Poland, Toruń, Nov. 2019
CPP Commercial Conference in Warsaw, January 2019
CPP Commercial Conference in Warsaw, January 2019
CPP Commercial Conference in Warsaw, January 2019
Dinner with David Clark, CPW CEO, Toruń, January 2019
Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak law firm’s „Back To Business” coctail, Warsaw, Sept. 2018
CPW CE Cluster Managers off-site meeting, Hel, wrzesień 2018
Managers at work, TESCO, Budapest, June 2018
CPP Commercial Conference - with "The Group Holding the Mic", Warsaw, January 2018
CPP Commercial Conference in Warsaw, January 2018
CPP Commercial Conference - Market Creators, Warsaw, January 2018
With Mikolaj Bogdanowicz, the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivode at the review of 2017 in CPP, Dec. 2017
Cereal Partners Poland - Employees of the Year 2017, Dec. 2017
With General Mills board members, Toruń, Oct. 2017
Dinner on the occasion of CPW Supervisory Board, Restauracja Różana, Warsaw, Oct. 2017
Awakening memories: Christmas dinner at Nestle Poland 2009
With prof. Witold Orlowski during discussion in "Gazeta Pomorska" daily, May 2017
Dave Homer CPW CEO at store check with Agnieszka Pyrzewska, CPP VP and Commercial Dir., March 2017
Store check in Poland with Dave Homer CPW CEO, March 2017
Personality of The Year - gala at Toruń Town Hall, March 2017
Personality of The Year - gala at Toruń Town Hall, March 2017
CPP Commercial Conference, Warsaw, January 2017
abaret Młodych Panów (Young Gentelmen Cabaret) - main attraction of the CPP Commercial Conference evening, January 2017
abaret Młodych Panów (Young Gentelmen Cabaret) - main attraction of the CPP Commercial Conference evening, January 2017
Leadeship Team CPW EUR Christmas meeting, Lausanne, Dec. 2016
With Simon Smith, Nestle Polska CEO, Cereal Partners Poland, Dec. 2016
CPW EUR Region Managers Meeting, Athens June 2016
With Dave Homer CPW CEO and Paul Kiortsis Nestle Market Head of South East Europe Region at CPW EUR Region Managers Meeting, Athens June 2016
Name day wishes from Nestle Fitness Cycling Team, April 2016
Name day wishes from Nestle Fitness Cycling Team, April 2016
Nina Cronstedt represented Nestlé and General Mills, owners of CP Poland, on the Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders, February 2016
VP Nestle SA, Mr. Magdi Batato visits Toruń and CP Poland, Feb. 2016
VP Nestle SA, Mr. Magdi Batato visits Toruń and CP Poland, Feb. 2016
VP Nestle SA, Mr. Magdi Batato visits Toruń and CP Poland, Feb. 2016
CPP Commercial Conference in Warsaw, January 2016
Kabaret Moralnego Niepokoju (Moral Anxiety Cabaret) - main attraction of the CPP Commercial Conference evening, January 2016
Cereal Partners Poland - Employees of The Year 2015
CPP summary of the year with the participation of prof. A.Sokala, deputy head of the Nicolaus Copernicus University, December 2015
A photo to commemorate the meeting of Nestle management team in Poland with Paul Bulcke, Nestle SA CEO and Luis Cantarell, Nestle Europe Director, Warsaw, November 2015.
Anniversary of CP Poland Toruń-Pacific, October 2015
Anniversary of CP Poland Toruń-Pacific, October 2015
Anniversary of CP Poland Toruń-Pacific, October 2015
25th anniversary of CP Poland Toruń-Pacific, October 2015
Store Check in Poland, May 2015
Store Check in Romania, May 2015
Store Check in Romania, May 2015
Executives and key managers of all Nestlé companies met in new Nestlé Purina plant in Nowa Wieś Wrocławska, May 2015
Annual CPP Commercial Division Conference, Warsaw, January 2015
Cezary Pazura, Polish film and television actor, performed at the evening part of the annual conference of the Commercial Division of CPP, Warsaw, January 2015
With the President of Nestle Polska SA – Mr Simon Smith, October 2014
With Dave Homer, CPW CEO, during his first visit to Cereal Partners Poland and CPW Central Europe Cluster, October 2014
Working session on the budget plans for 2015 (CPW Central Europe Cluster) , Bucharest, September 2014.
Ceremonial Diner during the CPW Company Meeting in Montreux, Switzerland. Central Europe table (from the left): Nicolae Iacob (Romania), Tibor Bohm (Slovakia - Czech Rep.), W. B. Sobieszak - CPW Central Europe Director, Peter Mester (Hungary), Andrzej Wyciechowski (CPW Operational Planning Specialist). February 2014
"Ani Mru Mru" Caberet - main attraction of the CPP Trade & Marketing Conference night, January 2014
CPP Trade & Marketing Conference, Warsaw, January 2014
A summary of the year with the participation of Deputy Speaker of the Polish Parliament, Jerzy Wenderlich, December 2013
With John Church, vice prosident of General Mills, during his visit in CPPoland, and with Christophe Adrin and Jerome Jaton from CPW, October 2013
The Press Spokesman of CPP, Jarek Szczepanowski hands over to the President the diploma acknowledging the company as one of the Pillars of Polish Economy received on the “Puls Biznesu” gala in Gdynia, in May 2013
It is the first time in Nestlé Poland history that the executives and key managers of all Nestle companies met in Torun, Bulwar hotel, May 2013
CPP Commercial Team Conference, Toruń, Jan. 2013
With Pierre Detry, Nestle Polska CEO, and his wife at the Christmas Dinner at Nestle Poland, Dec. 2012
Christmas dinner at Nestle Poland, 2012
Sixty years have gone by… Birthday wishes from CPP Board, March 2012
With Pierre Detry, Nestle Polska CEO, and his wife at the Christmas Dinner at Nestle Poland, Dec. 2011
Opening the Nestle Continuous Excellence gate in Cereal Partners Poland plant in Toruń, April 2011
The recapitulation of year 2010 in Nestle Polska took place during a ceremonial ball organized at the Hilton Hotel in Warsaw, February 2011
Meeting of the CPP Sales team – Łódź, January 2011-01-18
Cereal Partners Poland - Employees of The Year 2010
Dinner with Nestle SA Board of Directors, Warsaw, September 2009
At Nestle Romania, March 2010
With Leo Wencel, President of Nestle Polska, and his wife during a walk around the Old Town in Toruń
Dinner on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Marek Michalik's employment at Cereal Partners Poland (Marek Michalik is CPP sales director), November 2009
At the top of Łomnica (2432 m) with Tibor Bohm, the head of Slovakian market. We shall overcome that crisis!
Participants of CPW R&D Shareholders Meeting together with CPP Board Members, February 2009
With Sławek Wierzcholski, a Polish bluesman and harmonica virtuoso, after The Blues Night Shift gig for CPW R&D Shareholders Meeting participants, Elgiszewo, February 2009
Meeting of the CPP sales team, 2009
Cereal Partners Poland - Employees of Year 2008
Wojciech B. Sobieszak receives the award for CPP Toruń-Pacific from Ms Danuta Huebner, EU Commissioner for Regional Policy. BCC Summer Grand Gala. Warsaw 2008
The food industry management is complicated. CPW Management Team Meeting, London, November 2007
CPW Management Team Meeting, the ravioli preparation course, London, November 2007
CPW Management Team Meeting, the ravioli preparation course, London, November 2007
At the breakfast cereals production line, 2007
Cereal Partners Worldwide board meeting, Switzerland, Lenk, 2007
Meeting of the Board of Directors Cereal Partners Worldwide with Lech Wałęsa (2006)
Cereal Partners Poland - Employees of Year 2005
The moment of awarding the Officer Cross of Poland's Rebirth Order (September, 2005)
Meeting with Paweł and Łukasz Golec after the concert given by them on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of Toruń-Pacific (September, 2005)